God's Health

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:20-22 KJV

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

In today’s lesson we will speak about “God’s Health”. This needs to be reintroduced into the overall thinking of the Body of Christ because many believers think that God can heal them but they have various reasons why they don’t receive “divine health”. Let us start with some who think God can heal but the condition of the believer will determine if God will heal them or not. This would be works based healing or we could say conditional healing dependent upon the good works of man. That is not God way of healing! There is another train of thought that suggest God can heal but the individual must have great faith to receive from God. Although, this sound good it is not exactly the message God endorses primarily because it is based on the performance (works) of man as opposed to the merciful grace of God. Ephesians 2:8,9 reminds us that, “by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast.” There is also a third group who goes to the other extreme of believing, if God wants you healed He will do it and if He doesn’t He won’t heal you. This is problematic because it puts all the responsibility for your healing upon God alone and no responsibility on the individual. Yes, there are even more reasons floating out there about God’s approach to “healing” in respect to man but we (ihlcc) believe it more beneficial to focus on the Holy Scripture because that is the most accurate representation of God’s Will and God’s Word is totally reliable. We notice in today’s reference scripture that “God’s Words are life unto those that find them, and “health” to all their flesh”. This means we have a part to play in seeking the Word of God that deals with our personal situation. Yes, if we stay with today’s topic we should search the Holy Bible for information concerning the “healing” plan of God. Upon knowing what God said about His Will for “healing” mankind in general and His Perfect Will for healing His very own children. We should be totally convinced it is God’s Will to heal us and even better we now know there is a pathway into “good health” by filling yourself with God’s Word on healing. Notice we used the term pathway because this doesn’t happen automatically but rather on a continuous basis over time, effort and patience. The effort to attend to God’s Word is basically putting God’s Word first and keeping it before your eyes continuously. Also, to listen to God’s Word is a commitment that looks to hear the spoken Word of God daily. This means to hear God’s Word daily we must purposely set aside some time to do this and the majority of the time you will hear with your ears and sometimes in your heart too. We know from verse 21 that we can’t allow our eyes to move away from the Word of God to seek other answers contrary to what the Word of God teaches. The same verse 21 requires that we keep God’s Word in the midst of our heart. This basically means, we think upon God’s Word daily and we speak God’s Word consistently and we ponder every future decision with the mindset to follow God’s counsel revealed in the Holy Bible. Yes, these decisions made by every person will greatly influence their “health” and determine if they will experience “God’s Health”. Therefore, we thought it good to share that we can live in “good health” according to God’s Word but we must be willing to do things God’s Way. We will be totally honest with you by warning you that your flesh doesn’t naturally want to do these things on a consistent basis because your flesh is unfaithful to God. The flesh will fight you on why is it necessary to listen, think upon, speak and look up God’s Word? Yes, your carnal mind will question whether or not this is doing any good? Yes, sometimes your physical body will speak-up and say I just don’t feel like today let’s pick it back up tomorrow. Since we (ihlcc) know that you will encounter resistance (opposition, warfare, distractions) our prayer is that your faith fail not and you will remain steadfast and immoveable. One huge revelation we learned is that taking “health from God’s Word” is not only when sickness is present but even when no sickness is known. What we mean by that is we used to think, “if sickness tries to come against our body it is time to create and use (speak) some godly confessions to resist the sickness and/or disease.” We would start looking for verses as soon as we knew something was wrong and then stop once we thought our body was “healed”. Please listen closely, dear believer, what we were doing was good but it is not the best way to deal with “good health”. What we have learned more recently is that it is much better to proclaim a certain number of healing scriptures everyday no matter what. This keeps you in “good health” such that sickness is not as easy to manifest because you are staying built up on God’s Healing scriptures. Many times quoting (confessing, proclaiming, speaking forth, etc…) God’s Word on a daily basis puts confidence in your heart and mind that God’s got you covered no matter what. Building your foundation on the Word of God is key to living in “divine health (life)”. If we fail to do this as a way of life we will run low on scripture power because without keeping God’s Word in front of your eyes you will no doubt think about something other than God’s Word. For example; concerning the number of healing scriptures to confess? We meditate on around seven each day at least twice a day but you can choose only two scriptures and still be successful because in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. The key isn’t the number of verses you know but rather taking the time necessary to adequately fellowship with God, our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. This is how you stay “healthy God’s Way”. Yes, we have found it better to take a vitamin every day to keep your body full of certain nutrients in comparison to only using that same vitamin doing a time of fighting against an illness or weakness. Since we know that “God’s Word is health” to all our flesh isn’t it up to us to feed upon it (God’s Word that is). Yes, God’s Word will keep us in “Good Health” when we have a “healthy appetite” to eat God’s Word every day at least twice a day in Jesus Name forever. Amen!